Budget, Tax & Fiscal Policy – Analysis of state legislative and gubernatorial budget, tax and fiscal proposals, legislation, and more. Our work also includes analysis of federal tax and budget proposals and outcomes, with an emphasis on how those proposals impact Virginia.
Labor & Wage – Analysis of issues related to employment, incomes, wages, poverty, and economic opportunity to build support for policies that create economic opportunity and allow families to thrive.
Health Care – Analysis of health care legislation and the impacts of state and federal reform on Virginia and its communities in order to advance policy that makes health care more affordable and accessible.
Education – Analysis of the equity and adequacy of state funding primarily for public K-12 education in order to provide a high-quality education for every student in every zip code.
Immigration – Analysis of the role of immigrants in Virginia’s communities and economy and how public policy choices can dismantle barriers in order to allow everyone living in Virginia to reach their full potential.
TCI is also engaging in more work to End the Criminalization of Poverty, specifically related to fines and fees and removing barriers to employment for people who have a prior criminal record. You can find related research throughout our Budget & Tax and Labor & Wage work.