Students deserve for their classroom to be a safe haven, where their holistic development is both understood and nurtured, and where challenging behaviors are handled with care and a focus on positive change.
But harsh, punitive disciplinary practices such as zero-tolerance policies, meant to curb challenging behaviors, often lead to higher rates of suspension, expulsion, and even worse, future involvement with the legal system.
School-based restorative practices, on the other hand, can address the root causes of disruptive behavior and behaviors that lead to violence. These evidence-based practices lead to fewer disciplinary issues and help keep students in the classroom. Establishing a voluntary pilot program for restorative practices in schools in diverse areas of Virginia would be an important step to help children, teachers, and families be successful now and in the future.
Your voice matters. Reach out to your lawmakers to show your support for prioritizing positive change over punishment and creating safe and restorative environments for all students.
We’ve provided a starting point, but be sure to personalize your email and let the money committee members know what’s important to you and your community.