Economic Opportunity
Legislators Should Act During Reconvened Session to Increase Opportunity
Legislators have the opportunity to take action on April 3 to strengthen our communities so that every Virginian, no matter what they look like or where they were born, has a better shot at reaching their full potential.
A Refundable EITC Helps Working Families in Every District: Spring 2019 Update
Over 600,000 of Virginia’s working families currently receive the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). For families struggling to make...
Senate Proposes Improving Support for Low-Income Families Who Have Seen Decades of Cuts
While many of the House and Senate amendments cut the introduced budget there are some areas where one or both chambers have offered improvements. One is the Senate’s proposal
Let’s Make Sure the Census Counts Every Virginian
Equal representation in Congress, the state legislature, and county board of supervisors. Funding for schools, highways, and healthcare. All this...
Understanding the Earned Income Tax Credit and How Virginia Can Improve Its State Credit
A targeted working families tax credit can help families earning low wages meet basic needs. For families struggling to make...
No Same-Day Delivery: Virginia Communities Deserve Time to Consider Amazon Deal
Announcements of job projections related to economic development deals can be exciting opportunities for elected officials, but it’s critical that elected leadership, media, and the rest of us take a careful look at the realistic benefits and drawbacks of the deal, including related public subsidies and the tradeoffs that come with adding thousands – or tens of thousands – of jobs.
New Census Income and Poverty Data: Rounding the Corner and Looking Forward to the Future
Incomes rose in Virginia for middle-class households in 2017, with household incomes finally exceeding pre-Great Recession (2007) levels. Compared to 2016, median household income is up 2.8 percent in Virginia to $71,535. Compared to five
Beyond Fiscal Impact Statements: Understanding the Racial Equity Impacts of Public Policy Choices
Some cities and states are seeking to make the expected impact of proposed public policies on different communities more transparent through preparing racial equity impact analyses
The Rural-Urban Divide is Visible in Virginia’s Recovery
Working people in every part of Virginia took a hit during the Great Recession. While the economy is improving overall since then, the benefits of recovery have not been evenly distributed.