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October 28, 2021

Statement: Build Back Better Framework Represents Historic Opportunity to Improve the Lives of People Across Virginia

The state’s congressional delegation must enact the Build Back Better framework to deliver for Virginia

The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI) released the following statement in response to the Build Back Better legislative framework released yesterday by the Biden administration:

“The announced framework would significantly increase economic opportunity, reduce poverty, and advance racial justice for children, families, and working people across Virginia,” said Ashley Kenneth, President and CEO of The Commonwealth Institute. “This is consequential legislation, and we urge Virginia’s congressional delegation to support the bill and help it cross the finish line.

The announced [Build Back Better] framework would significantly increase economic opportunity, reduce poverty, and advance racial justice for children, families, and working people across Virginia.

Ashley Kenneth, President and CEO, The Commonwealth Institute

“While we await the final agreement, it is clear that this framework would help lift nearly 100,000 children in Virginia out of poverty, expand access to child care and pre-K, make important investments in affordable housing, and solidify important health coverage improvements, such as the extension of enhanced advanced premium tax credits for ACA health marketplaces. Overall, the legislation would help address longstanding racial disparities and help families across the commonwealth thrive.

“The framework is fully paid for with commonsense tax policies to make sure profitable corporations and millionaires pay their fair share in taxes.

“Even as more work remains on some key policies — including paid family and medical leave — TCI supports the framework and looks forward to building on this legislation in the years ahead. We urge our congressional delegation to meet this moment and support these historic investments to advance racial and economic justice in Virginia.”

The Commonwealth Institute

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