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November 8, 2024

TCI Stands with Communities for the Work Ahead

This is a hard moment. Many of us are experiencing fear, anger, and grief. 

And, we know that the work of building and tending a movement still matters. We can still dream and work for a better future, while also doing the work to reduce harm and help stop destructive policy proposals. And we will continue to build on our hard-won progress at the state level — where we know that our work has and will protect people across Virginia — and build a more just commonwealth.

Federal policy often has state and local implications, but we know that the work of communities can make a difference to limit harm even during tough times. In 2017, we faced a similar challenge: a federal conservative trifecta that had pledged for years to repeal “Obamacare.” Together, we stopped every bill that would have repealed major coverage provisions, and today there are roughly 641,000 Virginians with affordable health coverage through Medicaid expansion and over 400,000 people covered through Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace.

Advocates also meaningfully limited the harm done to our immigrant neighbors, including limiting family separations and detention and defending individuals from deportation. TCI is proud to have played a small role in that work through our research, policy analysis, and advocacy.

We know that the work of defense and building for the future looks different for different people. It gives us strength to know that we’re part of a broader movement and network of community leaders and other advocates who share our vision for racial and economic justice and who bring a wide variety of expertise to the work.

We hope that people are caring for themselves and each other and are finding means of connection when they are ready. We also hope that TCI’s annual Policy Summit on November 20 can provide one of those opportunities to connect, recommit, and organize for a better Virginia and a better future. 

We will continue working in solidarity with you and alongside you and hope to see you on the 20th.

Ashley Kenneth

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