Appendix: Data on Foreign-Born Population by County and City
This appendix supplements TCI’s report “Virginia Immigrants in the Economy: Pillars of Prosperous Communities” The...
Virginia Immigrants in the Economy: Pillars of Prosperous Communities
Whether we are born here or moved here, we all value that Virginia is a great place to raise a...
Missed Opportunities for Virginia Immigrants in 2019 Legislative Session
Virginians of every immigration status are paying taxes and contributing to our economy and communities. The 2019 General Assembly session provided a few key opportunities to improve the livelihoods of unauthorized residents in Virginia. Unfortunately,
A Harsh, Little Known Rule Leaves Many Immigrants Without Health Coverage
A legal immigrant who has lawfully resided in the United States for more than five years can become eligible for Medicaid in 44 states if they meet all other eligibility requirements. But it’s not so straight forward in Virginia.
Update: In-State Tuition Is a Common Sense, Low-Cost Investment for Virginia
The availability of in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities for Virginians provides a pathway to better jobs and...
Proposed Public Charge Changes Would Be Harmful, But There’s Still Time To Stop Them
For over a century, the Statue of Liberty has proclaimed a promise of the United States as a refuge and dream for “huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”
Responsabilidad federal, costos locales: El cumplimiento de las leyes migratorias en Virginia
La aplicación de las leyes de inmigración es una responsabilidad federal, sin embargo, las comunidades locales de Virginia están pagando parte de los costos a través de la cooperación voluntaria de las autoridades locales con el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) de los EE. UU. El alojamiento de los detenidos, el establecimiento de programas locales de ICE y el maniobro de las cuestiones legales relacionadas con el mismo, aumentan los costos para los gobiernos locales; costos que no son reembolsados por el gobierno federal.
Federal Responsibility, Local Costs: Immigration Enforcement in Virginia
Immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility, yet local communities across Virginia are paying for some of the costs through their local law enforcement’s voluntary cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Housing detainees, establishing local ICE programs, and maneuvering the related legal issues all increase costs for local governments -- costs that are not reimbursed by the federal government.
Key Facts: Immigrants in Virginia (Updated Infographics)
In September, the state Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) released a proposed 1115 demonstration waiver to implement the Creating Opportunities for Medicaid Participants to Achieve Self-Sufficiency (COMPASS) program.