Health Care
After Saving Big on Medicaid, It’s Time for Lawmakers to Reinvest
Quality health care is essential to our well-being at any time and, in the midst of a pandemic, Virginia should...
Budget Priorities to Advance Racial Justice and Meet COVID-19 Challenges
Much has changed in Virginia, across the United States, and around the world since the General Assembly first adopted a...
Budget Choices for Today and Tomorrow: Learning Lessons from the Great Recession and Setting Virginia on a More Equitable Path
Executive Summary As Virginia policymakers prepare for a special session to address the state budget and policing reforms, this report...
Video: It’s Time to Dismantle Virginia’s “40-Quarter Rule”
The U.S. government requires that lawful permanent residents–immigrants with legal status–reside in the country for five years in order to...
New report highlights the role a state PFML program can play in advancing health & economic equity
As Virginia policymakers discuss how to address racial health disparities, consideration should be given to the intersection of labor policy...
Time Off to Care: Melissa’s Story
Melissa Alexander is a 16-year resident of Prince William County and devoted wife, teacher, mother and caregiver. Melissa cared for...
Statewide PFML: A Critical Step Toward Racial, Economic, and Health Equity
Everyone should have the ability to take time away from work to care for themselves and loved ones without risking...
July is Maternal Health Awareness Month: Black Mothers Deserve Equity
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly enacted House Joint Resolution 111, which designates July...
Pandemic Exacerbates Health and Economic Concerns for LGBTQ People of Color
Everyone should be able to access health care and take needed time off to care for themselves or loved ones...