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Economic Opportunity

November 19, 2021 | The Commonwealth Institute

Kenneth: House Passage of Build Back Better Legislation Takes Transformational Investments One Step Closer to the Finish Line

TCI applauds critical vote to rebuild our economy and address today’s challenges head-on Today, Ashley C. Kenneth, President and CEO...
November 4, 2021 | The Commonwealth Institute

Statement: Passing Build Back Better Legislation Will Improve the Lives of People Across Virginia

The state’s congressional delegation must pass the Build Back Better bill Today, Ashley C. Kenneth, President and CEO of The...
October 29, 2021 | The Commonwealth Institute

Statement: Build Back Better Framework Represents Historic Opportunity to Improve the Lives of People Across Virginia

The state’s congressional delegation must enact the Build Back Better framework to deliver for Virginia The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal...
October 27, 2021 | Phil Hernandez

Opinion: Biden plan essential to helping Virginia families

This is a joint op-ed authored by Phil Hernandez, Senior Vice President for Policy and Advocacy for The...
October 25, 2021 | Sherri Egerton

Most Local Public Employees Are Paid Too Little to Reasonably Support a Family; Collective Bargaining Would Reduce Pay Disparities and Improve Services

New reports provide local and regional data for 2 cities in Hampton Roads With the recent lifting of a ban...
October 25, 2021 | Briana Jones

Rebuilding Stronger for Virginia Beach: Collective Bargaining Advances Equity and Strengthens Families

Virginia Beach is a vibrant, diverse community where people choose to live and work together for better opportunities for all...
October 25, 2021 | Briana Jones

Prioritizing Public Workers: How Collective Bargaining Can Help Public Employees in Newport News Achieve an Equitable and Quality Workplace

Newport News is a diverse community filled with rich and unique history. The city is working to transform into a...
October 22, 2021 | The Commonwealth Institute

The Commonwealth Institute Releases New Radio Ad on Importance of Extending the Enhanced Child Tax Credit

The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis released a new radio ad today that highlights how the newly improved Child Tax...
September 9, 2021 | The Commonwealth Institute

Qué debe saber sobre, y cómo reclamar el mejorado crédito tributario para los hijos: Preguntas frecuentes

en inglés La Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense (ARPA por las iniciales de su nombre en inglés: The...
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