Session 2025: Key Budget Policy Choices
The Virginia state budget affects everything and everyone in our lives — from how well we fund our public schools,...
Money Committee Budgets Take Critical Steps to Boost Virginia Families
Today, Ashley Kenneth, President and CEO of The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI), released the following statement on the...
What’s In and Who’s Left Out of the Governor’s Budget
Budgets show what and who we value, and Virginia’s families deserve a budget that values them by providing broad and...
Ujima: Collective Work, Collective Impact in 2024
TCI is closing out 2024 ready for the work ahead and bolstered by collaboration with Collective Work, our racial and...
Governor’s Budget Amendments Miss Key Opportunities, TCI to Advocate for More Equitable Choices
Today, Ashley Kenneth, President and CEO of The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI), released the following statement on the...
Segregation, Resource Equity, and K-12 Education In Virginia: A 200-Year Timeline
Every child in Virginia should have access to a high-quality public education that meets their needs, no matter who they...
Community Builders: A Critical Step to Keeping Students Safe and Healthy
Whatever our race, background, or zip code, we all want our children to know they can live, learn, work, and...
What’s Up with the JLARC Report on Virginia Schools?
And what do people mean when they say “changing to a student-based formula”? Virginia’s state research agency (JLARC) did...
Statement: Improving SOL Scores Follows Funding Increases; Further Improvements Necessary
Levi Goren, Director of Research and Education Policy at The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI), released the following statement...