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Budget & Revenue

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August 21, 2024 | Levi Goren

What’s Up with the JLARC Report on Virginia Schools?

And what do people mean when they say “changing to a student-based formula”? Virginia’s state research agency (JLARC) did...
August 20, 2024 | The Commonwealth Institute

Statement: Improving SOL Scores Follows Funding Increases; Further Improvements Necessary

Levi Goren, Director of Research and Education Policy at The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI), released the following statement...
August 13, 2024 | The Commonwealth Institute

Budget Matters: How it Works and How It Can Work For Virginia Families

Originally published July 20, 2023: Updated Aug. 13, 2024 get our “budget...
July 30, 2024 | The Commonwealth Institute

National Study: Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Almost $700 Million in Virginia Taxes a Year

Immigration policies have taken center stage in public debates this year, but much of the conversation has been driven by...
July 25, 2024 | Kami Blatt

Decriminalizing Poverty: What Happened in the 2024 Session and What Still Needs to be Done?

Justice should not depend on what someone looks like or how much they have in their wallet. Yet a number...
July 17, 2024 | Freddy Mejia

Status of Key Policies that Promote Health Equity and Needed Progress (Session 2024 Recap)

Policy decisions have a significant impact on our ability to access affordable and comprehensive health coverage, connect with a health...
June 27, 2024 | Megan Davis

How We Fought to Invest in Families through a Fair, Family-focused Tax Code (Session 2024 Recap)

Most of us want to send our kids to well-funded public schools, to have access to affordable health care, and...
June 26, 2024 | Levi Goren

A Look at Critical Progress Made for K-12, Next Steps to Support Students (Session 2024 Recap)

Every child in Virginia should be able to attend a high-quality public school that helps them learn and thrive. Yet...
June 6, 2024 | Briana Jones

K-12 Funding in the Final 2024-2026 State Budget Compared to Governor’s Introduced (by Locality)

The budget signed by the governor for the budget years that begin on July 1, 2024...
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