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August 17, 2021

Improved Federal Child Tax Credit Helps Nearly 1.6 Million Children in Virginia, but More Outreach Is Needed

Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC) has been improved for 2021:

  • Credit amounts were increased to $3,600 per child 5 years old or younger and $3,000 per child ages 6 to 17 (up from 2,000 per child)
  • The minimum income requirements were removed
  • The credit is now fully refundable (families with low incomes are eligible for the full credit amount)
  • Half of the credit will be paid in advance as monthly payments ($300 per child per month or $250 per child per month)

The monthly advance payments reached 1.56 million children in Virginia in August, with Virginia families receiving $388.1 million. According to recent Census Bureau surveys, these payments are correlated with improvements in respondents’ ability to afford basic expenses and have enough to eat.

In Virginia, about 30,000 more children received the credit in August than in July, which suggests more people heard about the credits and took action to qualify for monthly payments, such as filing their 2020 federal tax returns. However, more outreach is needed.

According to data from the U.S. Treasury Department, over 53,000 children in Virginia appear in federal health coverage records but could not be linked with a 2019 or 2020 federal tax return. In addition, over 30,000 newborns are expected to be born under Medicaid coverage, which means their families likely qualify for the CTC, according to recent analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The monthly payments are based on 2019 or 2020 federal tax information, so families that have not filed federal tax returns during those years, or whose children were born in the last year, may miss out on the payments unless additional action is taken. Because these numbers do not include children who lacked health insurance coverage during 2019 and 2020, the data likely represent an underestimate of children who may be missing out on the monthly payments.

Below, we present the data from the U.S. Treasury Department to show how many children may potentially miss out on the monthly CTC payments, unless further action is taken. The state and local governments, as well as local nonprofit agencies and other local organizations, can use these resources to focus outreach activities.

Data below includes:

For more information about the new Child Tax Credit and tax assistance resources, please visit:

Map: Number of Children Who May Miss Out on CTC
20 Localities with the Highest Number of Children who may Miss out on the CTC

of localities with near-complete data; click for locality ZIP code map

Table: Number of Children Who May Miss Out on CTC by Zip Code
ZIP Code  Children 
20105               304
20106                43
20109               254
20110               347
20111               292
20112               290
20115                43
20119                38
20120               290
20121               190
20124               130
20132               201
20136               316
20141                75
20147               576
20148               611
20151               156
20152               343
20155               316
20158                47
20164               177
20165               253
20166                98
20169               268
20170               278
20171               299
20175               343
20176               519
20180               105
20181               103
20186               138
20187               175
20189                96
20190                91
20191               221
20194                75
20197                39
22003               423
22015               277
22025               145
22026               205
22027                38
22030               339
22031               217
22032               238
22033               295
22035                46
22039               136
22041               205
22042               222
22043               180
22044                61
22046               129
22060                88
22066               231
22079               273
22101               351
22102               151
22124               146
22150               209
22151               140
22152               213
22153               248
22172                87
22180               185
22181               132
22182               261
22191               545
22192               431
22193               597
22201               146
22202                97
22203                99
22204               301
22205               150
22206               112
22207               333
22209                44
22301               123
22302               116
22303                95
22304               258
22305                99
22306               239
22307                83
22308               128
22309               228
22310               241
22311               115
22312               208
22314               136
22315               189
22401               155
22405               222
22406               197
22407               408
22408               215
22443                62
22485               228
22508                96
22520                28
22546               108
22551               144
22553               141
22554               490
22556               232
22572                29
22580                33
22601               175
22602               135
22603                78
22611                48
22630               206
22642                30
22655               102
22656                39
22657                41
22664                45
22701               233
22712                83
22727                43
22728                34
22734                34
22737                46
22801               139
22802               115
22803                36
22812                37
22815                54
22824                35
22827                33
22835                40
22851                33
22901               153
22902               150
22903               144
22911               101
22923                56
22932                71
22936                40
22942                47
22947                35
22960                47
22963                88
22968                63
22980               116
23002                67
23005               107
23009                43
23024                57
23040                32
23059               288
23060               231
23061               108
23063                28
23072                89
23075                49
23086                24
23089                31
23093                75
23103                30
23111               259
23112               375
23113               202
23114               130
23116               225
23117                45
23120               126
23124                30
23139               183
23140                48
23141                45
23146                40
23150                61
23168                55
23185               268
23188               208
23192                43
ZIP Code  Children 
23219                76
23220                86
23221                48
23222               141
23223               292
23224               248
23225               201
23226               118
23227               117
23228               220
23229               225
23230                25
23231               213
23233               200
23234               319
23235               222
23236               157
23237               165
23238               138
23294                75
23314                61
23320               389
23321               253
23322               529
23323               363
23324               172
23325               116
23430                88
23434               359
23435               245
23451               249
23452               357
23453               227
23454               374
23455               268
23456               477
23457                49
23462               407
23464               447
23487                44
23502               140
23503               193
23504               131
23505               139
23507                43
23508                83
23509                64
23510                55
23513               159
23517                57
23518               143
23523                58
23601               151
23602               203
23605               100
23606               151
23607               191
23608               274
23661                84
23662                90
23663                96
23664                61
23666               304
23669               249
23692               111
23693               159
23696                34
23701               133
23702                72
23703               162
23704               139
23707               114
23803               209
23805               101
23824                44
23831               250
23832               251
23834               156
23836                98
23838               137
23842                33
23847                53
23851                66
23860               171
23875                59
23890                37
23901                61
23920                28
23924                24
23947                24
23970                28
24012               197
24013                65
24014                86
24015                69
24016                52
24017               144
24018               182
24019               112
24055                83
24060               172
24065                26
24073               158
24078                28
24084                54
24088                31
24091                40
24101                31
24112               155
24121                42
24124                27
24141               103
24151               115
24153               202
24171                31
24175                45
24179                65
24184                27
24201                73
24202                64
24210                79
24211                51
24219                53
24224                28
24228                70
24230                44
24244                27
24251                46
24260                32
24263                47
24266                70
24273                37
24277                25
24279                28
24293                91
24301                70
24333                37
24340                24
24343                53
24354                57
24360                25
24368                23
24382                61
24401               150
24416                36
24426                67
24441                34
24450                68
24477                30
24482                33
24501               142
24502               143
24503               128
24504                54
24505                22
24521                57
24522                42
24523                71
24540               109
24541               150
24550                45
24551               135
24556                32
24557                33
24558                43
24572                67
24588                56
24590                39
24592                58
24605                56
24609                22
24614                55
24620                29
24630                44
24639                26
24641                42
24651                39
Other             4,353

Source: U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis data, June 2021
Note: Public data not available for all parts of the state

Chris Wodicka

Kathy Mendes

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