October 4, 2023
The Half Sheet
Early Look: Governor McAuliffe’s Proposed Budget Amendments
Policymakers have been struggling for months with revenue that fell short of forecasts despite a growing economy. Last week, the…
Time to Reform ‘Rich Get Richer’ Tax Credits
Wealthy individuals can profit from certain “charitable donations” in Virginia. That’s the surprising result of Virginia’s Neighborhood Assistance Program and Education Improvement Scholarship tax credits, both of which allow “double-dipping” – a 65 percent tax credit on top of federal and state deductions for charitable giving. When that 65 percent credit is combined with the federal and state deductions, many wealthy individuals who are subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax or who donate appreciated securities are able to save more money in avoided taxes than they actually donated to the charitable cause.
Virginia Board of Education to Lawmakers: Fix School Funding
Last Thursday, the Virginia Board of Education unanimously approved a set of recommendations that would significantly improve support for Virginia schools. The vote sends a clear message to the General Assembly that it’s time for the state to fix the school funding formula.
Reduced Funding for Virginia Schools Threatens Future Workforce and Puts Businesses and Communities at Risk
The future of Virginia’s children, communities, and commonwealth depends heavily on the quality of K-12 schools, yet Virginia continues to rank among the states that have made the deepest cuts in its support for its schools and students. Virginia should take a better approach – one informed by solid research in the field – and invest the resources needed to be a place where every child, no matter where they live, has a chance to get a top-quality education.
Two Steps Back, One Step Forward: Low-income Virginia workers still unlikely to be offered insurance through their workplace
After several years of decline, Virginia (and the United States as a whole) are finally starting to see an uptick in the share of working-age adults covered through employer-sponsored insurance. This encouraging trend may be explained in part by the implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate. Under the mandate, more firms in 2015 were required to offer insurance to their employees or pay a fine. From 2014 to 2015, 37,000 Virginians gained coverage through increased use of employer-sponsored insurance.
Virginia’s Board of Education Considers Fixes to School Funding
Today the Virginia Board of Education will discuss a series of proposals for final consideration next month that would send a clear message to Virginia lawmakers that it’s time to fix how the state supports schools here in Virginia.
Economic Progress; Opportunities to Do Even Better
Most Virginians are doing better than they were a few years ago, according to data released today by the Census Bureau. The median household income rose 2 percent in 2015 to $66,262, after adjusting for inflation. And 44,000 fewer Virginians have incomes that are below the poverty line, which is less than $24,257 for a family of four. The improvement in incomes was slightly slower than those of the United States as a whole, which saw a 4 percent increase in median household incomes and, like Virginia, a 5 percent decline in the poverty rate. Virginia remains the 9th highest income state in the country.
Virginia’s Failure to Close the Coverage Gap Shows up in Census Data
Today’s Census data on the number of Virginians who remain without any health insurance are a stark reminder of the costs of failing to close the coverage gap. Closing this gap would be good for all of us.
How More Virginia Women Could be Treated for Maternal Depression
Virginia lawmakers have the opportunity to help economically challenged, uninsured moms and their children get the care they need to be healthy and productive. The well-being of all women and children is too important to ignore.
Solving Virginia’s Revenue Shortfall
Virginia is facing yet another round of potential cuts to vital protections for families and key investments in the future…
Shared Challenges: Heightened Policing and Harsher Consequences
African-American Virginians and immigrant Virginians face different types of law enforcement contact, but both groups are too often being “policed” rather than “protected,” and members of both communities often face far harsher punishments for the same crimes than U.S. born white Virginians.
Shared Challenges: Paid Time Off
Many immigrants and African-American Virginians have significant family caretaking responsibilities, but are less likely than others to have access to key options that would allow them to better balance work and family responsibilities.